Error Return Codes

#define         ACCEPT_SESSION           1
#define		ILLEGAL_SPREAD		-1
#define         REJECT_QUOTA            -3
#define         REJECT_NO_NAME          -4
#define         REJECT_ILLEGAL_NAME     -5
#define         REJECT_NOT_UNIQUE       -6
#define         REJECT_VERSION		-7
#define         CONNECTION_CLOSED	-8

#define		ILLEGAL_SESSION		-11
#define		ILLEGAL_SERVICE		-12
#define		ILLEGAL_MESSAGE		-13
#define		ILLEGAL_GROUP		-14
#define		BUFFER_TOO_SHORT	-15

The above error codes define the meaning behind the error value returned by any Spread function. If a Spread function returns a value < 0 it indicates an error and the specific error type can be tested against these constants. A return of 0 or > 0 should be considered success.