add(AdvancedMessageListener) - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Adds the AdvancedMessageListener to this connection.
add(BasicMessageListener) - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Adds the BasicMessageListener to this connection.
addGroup(SpreadGroup) - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Adds this group to the list this message will be sent to.
addGroup(String) - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Adds this group to the list this message will be sent to.
addGroups(SpreadGroup[]) - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Adds these groups to the list this message will be sent to.
addGroups(String[]) - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Adds these groups to the list this message will be sent to.
AdvancedMessageListener - interface spread.AdvancedMessageListener.
Objects of a class that implements the AdvancedMessageListener interface can add themselves to a SpreadConnection with SpreadConnection.add(AdvancedMessageListener).


BasicMessageListener - interface spread.BasicMessageListener.
Objects of a class that implements the BasicMessageListener interface can add themselves to a SpreadConnection with SpreadConnection.add(BasicMessageListener).


clone() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Creates a copy of this message.
connect(InetAddress, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Establishes a connection to a spread daemon.
createMessage() - Method in class spread.MessageFactory
Returns a new message.


digest(Serializable) - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Adds this message to the digest.
disconnect() - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Disconnects the connection to the daemon.


equals(Object) - Method in class spread.GroupID
Returns true if the two GroupID's represent the same group membership view at the same point in time in the history of the group.
equals(Object) - Method in class spread.SpreadGroup
Checks if two groups are the same.


getData() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Gets the message data as an array of bytes.
getDigest() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Gets the message data as a digest.
getDisconnected() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Gets the private group of the member who disconnected.
getEndianMismatch() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Checks for an endian mismatch.
getGroup() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Gets a SpreadGroup object representing the group that caused this message.
getGroupID() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Gets the GroupID for this group membership at this point in time.
getGroups() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Gets an array containing the SpreadGroup's to which this message was sent.
getJoined() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Gets the private group of the member who joined.
getLeft() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Gets the private group of the member who left.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class spread.SpreadVersion
Returns the spread major version as an int.
getMembers() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Gets the private groups for all the members in the new group membership.
getMembershipInfo() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Get the membership info for this message.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class spread.SpreadVersion
Returns the spread minor version as an int.
getObject() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Gets the message data as a java object.
getPrivateGroup() - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Gets the private group for this connection.
getSender() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Gets the message sender's private group.
getServiceType() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Get the message's service type.
getStayed() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Gets the private groups of the members who were not partitioned.
getType() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Gets the message type.
getVersion() - Method in class spread.SpreadVersion
Returns the spread version as a float.
GroupID - class spread.GroupID.
A GroupID represents a particular group membership view at a particular time in the history of the group.


isAgreed() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Checks if this is an agreed message.
isCausal() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Checks if this is a causal message.
isCausedByDisconnect() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Check if this message was caused by a disconnect.
isCausedByJoin() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Check if this message was caused by a join.
isCausedByLeave() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Check if this message was caused by a leave.
isCausedByNetwork() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Check if this message was caused by a network partition.
isFifo() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Checks if this is a fifo message.
isIncoming() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Check if this is an incoming message.
isMembership() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Checks if this is a membership message.
isOutgoing() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Check if this is an outgoing message.
isRegular() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Checks if this is a regular message.
isRegularMembership() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Check if this is a regular membership message.
isReliable() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Checks if this is a reliable message.
isSafe() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Checks if this is a safe message.
isSelfDiscard() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Checks if this is a self-discard message.
isSelfLeave() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Check if this is a self-leave message.
isTransition() - Method in class spread.MembershipInfo
Check if this is a transition message.
isUnreliable() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Checks if this is an unreliable message.


join(SpreadConnection, String) - Method in class spread.SpreadGroup
Joins the group name on the connection connection.


leave() - Method in class spread.SpreadGroup
Leaves the group.


MembershipInfo - class spread.MembershipInfo.
A MembershipInfo object represents information stored in a membership message.
membershipMessageReceived(SpreadMessage) - Method in interface spread.AdvancedMessageListener
If the object has been added to a connection with SpreadConnection.add(AdvancedMessageListener), this gets called whenever a membership message is received.
MessageFactory - class spread.MessageFactory.
A MessageFactory object is used to create any number of messages based on a default message.
MessageFactory(SpreadMessage) - Constructor for class spread.MessageFactory
Constructs a new MessageFactory and sets the default message.
messageReceived(SpreadMessage) - Method in interface spread.BasicMessageListener
If the object has been added to a connection with SpreadConnection.add(BasicMessageListener), this gets called whenever a message is received.
multicast(SpreadMessage) - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Multicasts a message.
multicast(SpreadMessage[]) - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Multicasts an array of messages.


poll() - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Returns true if there are any messages waiting on this connection.


receive() - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Receives the next message waiting on this connection.
receive(int) - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Receives numMessages messages on the connection and returns them in an array.
regularMessageReceived(SpreadMessage) - Method in interface spread.AdvancedMessageListener
If the object has been added to a connection with SpreadConnection.add(AdvancedMessageListener), this gets called whenever a regular message is received.
remove(AdvancedMessageListener) - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Removes the AdvancedMessageListener from this connection.
remove(BasicMessageListener) - Method in class spread.SpreadConnection
Removes the BasicMessageListener from this connection.


setAgreed() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Sets the message to be agreed.
setCausal() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Sets the message to be causal.
setData(byte[]) - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Sets the message's data to this array of bytes.
setDefault(SpreadMessage) - Method in class spread.MessageFactory
Sets a new default message for this factory.
setFifo() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Sets the message to be fifo.
setObject(Serializable) - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Sets the message's data to this object, in serialized form.
setReliable() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Sets the message to be reliable.
setSafe() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Sets the message to be safe.
setSelfDiscard(boolean) - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
If selfDiscard is true, sets the self discard flag for the message, otherwise clears the flag.
setServiceType(int) - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Sets the service type.
setType(short) - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Set's the message type.
setUnreliable() - Method in class spread.SpreadMessage
Sets the message to be unreliable.
SpreadConnection - class spread.SpreadConnection.
A SpreadConnection object is used to establish a connection to a spread daemon.
SpreadConnection() - Constructor for class spread.SpreadConnection
Initializes a new SpreadConnection object.
SpreadException - exception spread.SpreadException.
A SpreadException is thrown whenever a problem occurs in a spread method.
SpreadException() - Constructor for class spread.SpreadException
Creates a SpreadException with no error message.
SpreadException(String) - Constructor for class spread.SpreadException
Creates a SpreadException with an error message.
SpreadGroup - class spread.SpreadGroup.
A SpreadGroup object represents a group on a spread daemon.
SpreadGroup() - Constructor for class spread.SpreadGroup
Initializes a new SpreadGroup object.
SpreadMessage - class spread.SpreadMessage.
A SpreadMessage object represents either an incoming or outgoing spread message.
SpreadMessage() - Constructor for class spread.SpreadMessage
Initializes a new outgoing SpreadMessage object.
SpreadVersion - class spread.SpreadVersion.
A SpreadVersion object is used to get the version of spread that is being used.
SpreadVersion() - Constructor for class spread.SpreadVersion


toString() - Method in class spread.GroupID
Converts the GroupID to a string.
toString() - Method in class spread.SpreadGroup
Returns the name of the group as a string.
toString() - Method in class spread.SpreadVersion
Returns the spread version in string form.